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Topics - Mike Robinson

Pages: [1]
I have just added a picture of this now Houseboat, previously, Inland Dry Cargo Vessel (no pictures since 2012). I identified it as an Inland Dry Cargo Vessel (no provision for Houseboat) with a note to say it's now a Houseboat. In view of the Use Change, should I delete it please?

Shipping News and information / Help Please ~ Tahilla...
« on: January 25, 2017, 09:38:06 AM »
I'm ever so sorry to bother but I spotted 'Tahilla' heading downstream in the Thames yesterday.
There was a 'Dunkirk Little Ship' of the same name but I'm not sure she is the one and the same.
Is anyone able to help please? Thank you...

Shipping News and information / Wibbley Wobbley (England's Floating Pub)
« on: December 14, 2016, 01:44:28 PM »
I hope it's OK to mention this here but earlier today I noticed Wibbley Wobbley (England's Floating Pub) moored in the Thames at Erith (I understand she had previously been moored upstream in Greenland Dock). Apparently, she started life during the 1920's as a Rhine Ferry and it seems the Pub finally closed for business sometime during 2014 (or thereabouts). Anyway: whilst I was there, Tug, "Rona D", arrived and from what I could see was towing her over to Anchor Bay Wharf to be, I assume, broken up. That being said, I didn't actually see her moored at Anchor Bay Wharf; nor am I aware she is due to be broken up.

As an aside, I can't find her in Shipspotting although she may not qualify for inclusion.


Help and Advice / A Ship with No Name sails up the Thames
« on: October 29, 2014, 08:22:52 AM »
Dear all:

Sorry to bother but I noticed this arrangement yesterday heading up the Thames passing between Belvedere/Dagenham.

Is anyone able to put a name to her please?

Thank you  ~ Mike R

Sorry to bother but I noticed the vessel (see attachments) heading up the Thames yesterday. Is anyone able to identify the vessel for me please.

Many thanks in advance ~ Mike

Shipping News and information / V 104
« on: September 07, 2013, 02:30:10 PM »
I wonder whether anyone is able to provide any info. on the vessel in the attached picture please?  She was heading downstream passing between Dagenham and Crossness in the Thames when I took the picture.

Thank you .....

Shipping News and information / Help Please:
« on: April 07, 2013, 04:11:01 PM »
I apologise for being a bother and hope that I am not misusing this Forum but earlier today I saw Tug, Nipashore, towing an unidentified vessel down the Thames (see attachment).  I wonder if anyone might be able to identify the unknown (to me anyway) vessel please?  A zillion thanks in advance.

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