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Topics - csaba

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Is it possible to get notification if a photo has been liked? I was browsing through old photos, some of them just few days or weeks old but very far down the list and liked them and I think it would be nice if the photographers would know. This feature exists on another forum where I am a member.

Site related news, functions and modules / Can't log in
« on: January 25, 2024, 07:03:18 PM »
Anybody has trouble logging in? I can log in from my phone where I am permanently logged in but not from the desktop.

Shipping News and information / Red sea and Suez canal
« on: January 13, 2024, 04:47:10 AM »
Does anybody have any info on how much Egypt's profit has gone down now that some companies opt to sail around Africa instead of risking being attacked by Yemenis?

I while ago my photo has been deleted with explanation that it was a marina with yachts, not a harbour. Lately there have been a number of photos under "harbour overview" with yachts only or just a few fishing boats.
So what is the criteria for harbour vs marina?

Site related news, functions and modules / Can we have the pages back?
« on: September 26, 2023, 03:20:35 PM »
So I scroll, say 100 photos down. Then I click on a photo to see the larger version of it, click back to go back to the thumbnails and the photo I just viewed is now on the top of the page of thumbnails. I find it rather inconvenient because all the other previous photos are now not visible unless I go back to the main page and scroll down again. I preffered the previous version where we had pages.
Any thoughts?

I tried to save 3 photos of SEA CLOUD but only one appeared in the "Favourite" photos. If I delete this one I can save another one of the same ship but not two or more photos of a ship with the same name.
Am I doing something wrong or is it a glitch in the system?

I have uploaded few pictures I recently took in the city of Herceg Novi (two words), Montenegro. The website shows this city spelled as Hercegnovi (one word), which is incorrect.
Can this be fixed?
Many thanks.

When I upload photos, I enter the ship's name and click on the "search" button,( the looking glass icon) beside it. More often then not, the window that pops up says "no ship found", whether the the exact name box is checked or not. I then find the IMO on marinetrafic, upload the photo and there are many photos of the given ship with the same name I entered.
What gives?
Why does this search button sometimes find the ship and sometimes does not even if the ship is already on SS with the same name?

It was fun to see them in the years past. What happened? Either way, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

I click on the map, zoom in to Vancouver, click "use this location" but the location displays just "Canada", which is a bit of a broad location :-).
Any thoughts?

Well, not entirely missing. When I entered Vancouver as a location, as I have done in the past, what shows up is "Vancouver Roberts Bank" and "Vancouver Berrypoint" . Both of these places are very, very far from me and there are many other places a ship can be when in Vancouver. What happened to just "Vancouver, Canada" that we had before? I tried entering just that and the website apparently crashed and the message appeared saying "service unavailable".

Site related news, functions and modules / Problem with Equasis password
« on: November 06, 2022, 04:34:35 AM »
They informed me that I need to change my password. Fine. I entered a new password and it is not accepted. I entered another one, not accepted. I chose a secure generated password option...not accepted. Then I gen an e-mail saying that I have been locked out due to too many unsuccessful log in attempts. I had this problem with them last time too. Ever since they introduced this log in stuff I only had trouble with them.
Any other websites to get the IMO number etc?

Can't see the button to see my favorite/bookmarked photos? Can somebody tell me where it is?

In the last few days a window pops up in the middle of my screen saying "while you are visiting SS join our social media blah blah.." First of all, I am not "visiting", I am logged in as a member of 10 years. Second, if I close the window, it means that I don't care to join. With today's technology, it should be traceable, especially now that that annoying "turn of the tracker" or whatever message keeps also popping up and I have to turn the tracker off to view the website.
So please stop pestering me to join! I don't want to! Please remove that message.

That pop up thing that shows up on every page is bloody annoying. I tried googling how to disable the ad blocker but the answers don't help. I don't see shipspotting anywhere, or any other website that is on my favourites list.
Help as step by step instruction is very welcome.

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