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Messages - simonwp

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 14
Help and Advice / Re: Photo editoring
« on: September 10, 2023, 04:41:47 PM »
Another option would be PhotoScape X

As I said before I'm not bothered how many hits I get on any of my photographs. if only one person enjoys a photograph it's fine by me. If a hundred do then that's also fine. It's very rare I go back and look to see how many hits a particular photographs gets.

I photograph ships for my own enjoyment, and post on line so others may also enjoy them if they wish.

Personally I find the front page layout for this site just fine. But if enough people want to change it back, that's fair enough.

All this thread show is you can't please everyone......make some changes to suit some members, and other members will be annoyed. It will never be prefect for every member. No site ever is.

Personally I think the new design is a big improvement on the old one. Not perfect, but not much ever is.

Everything seems accessible. The number of hits on a photograph is down because of the reasons above, the thumbnails are now much better, and there is no need to click on the photograph most of the time. I don't post to attract hits, I post in the hope that others will enjoy my photographs, but the number doesn't bother me. If only two people do, that's as good for me as 100.

I think the older photographs, especially the b/w ones attract the hits, simply because they are interesting to members. It is that simple. Would I click on the 334th photograph for Estelle Maersk (for example), or the first of a 1950's built freighter. The freighter wins every time, no matter how good the photograph for Estelle Maersk is. I would enjoy the Maersk ship, but the thumbnail would be good enough for me.

Site related news, functions and modules / Re: Couple of questions...
« on: August 29, 2023, 02:55:27 PM »
The issue does not seem to be affecting all members. I have notice no problems over the past few days.

another one which needs amending is:

Salt End, Howdendyke, United Kingdom

It should be:

Salt End, Hull, United Kingdom.

Howdendyke is 40 miles away from Salt End, and if you managed to get a ship the size that uses Salt End into Howdendyke, if would be something of a miracle!!!!

Site related news, functions and modules / Re: New Category: Lighthouses
« on: August 03, 2023, 05:03:19 PM »
When this category was first opened, I thought "Why.....this is shipping site....photographs get deleted for not having enough ship in them."

However, having looked at some of the photographs that have been posted, I've found them suprisingly interesting.

Help and Advice / Re: Miramar Subscriptions
« on: May 08, 2023, 09:25:23 AM »
All it needed was a little patience and sounds like it's been a difficult period for Roger's family, but everything is well on the way to being sorted now.

I've renewed my subscription without any problems, and am just grateful that the intention is to keep the website open.

Help and Advice / Re: Miramar Subscriptions
« on: January 27, 2023, 08:01:59 PM »
No, but some decency does tend to go out of the window when people are paying money for things that don't materialise. Miramar was in fact a business.

and yet it will not stop me ordering a disc when my time comes...

I've paid my subscription, when it runs out, that will be it. Rodger's family are trying to do the right thing, it would have been very easy to have just shut it down.

Personally, I would have just shrugged my shoulders and taken it as the luck of the draw.

Help and Advice / Re: Miramar Subscrptions
« on: January 26, 2023, 08:43:58 PM »
Seems to me some on here have no respect for the fact that this situation came about because someone died.

Perhaps Roger's family have many other things to sort out, Miramar just being one of many.

If they read some of the comments on here, they could be forgiven for just closing the site down, and walking away.

Site related news, functions and modules / Re: Photo's on Facebook
« on: October 06, 2022, 10:43:37 AM »
Not necessarily in every case. I post under a user name on here, because that's how I set it up before I started to post on Facebook. But on Facebook I use my own name. So, if anyone actually bothers to check, it can look like two different posters, with one stealing from the other.....but it isn't.

Site related news, functions and modules / Re: Soon - New website design
« on: October 02, 2022, 04:33:07 PM »
How exactly do you do that????

I must say I prefer the way the thumbnails are now, no need to open for a quick look, I only open the one's I'm really interested in, which, is probably a better measure of "likes".

Site related news, functions and modules / Re: Soon - New website design
« on: September 29, 2022, 05:49:16 PM »
I don't click thumbnails.....they are good enough now to view without clicking.

With regard to quality of photographs, this has been debated before, and it's difficult because members have different views on this.

Some are quite happy to see yet another perfect picture of, say, Emma Maersk, while others would rather see a slightly imperfect picture of a much less photographed, or unusual, vessel.

I'm in the latter camp, yes, photographs with obvious issues, such as horizon not level should be excluded. But there should be a degree of tolerance. Not everyone is lucky enough to be able to take the perfect shot, in perfect conditions every time, but those photographs can be just as interesting as the perfect shot.

However, I do agree some photographs of things like table and chairs are probably not appropriate.

Site related news, functions and modules / Re: Soon - New website design
« on: September 05, 2022, 10:30:56 AM »
I looked at every photograph loaded yesterday, but wouldn't have registered any hit, as the thumbnails are now good enough for a quick look. I only open up any that are of particular interest, so only register a hit on those. Yesterday none took my eye enough to open up, but it didn't mean I didn't appreciate them.

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