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Messages - vokstar

Pages: [1]
Yeh I dont think it's esentual that the radar is on, but I've noticed that when the radar is on theres some action trying to get her off the beach.

On one of the earlier efforts when things didn't go to plan and they abborted pulling the radar went off, so when it's spinning it's an indication that theres some action going on even if you can't physically see her moving.

The radar isn't spining around yet so I guess they are just trying to fire up the engines.

There is alot of smoke coming out of the funnel.. I guess that will give the environmentalists something to complain about since she has refused to leek any oil yet  :lol:

She's coping a pasting.  I've been looking at the webcam on coastalwatch and I think she might be moving a touch.  

It might be just the cam moving in the wind that is giving the effect, but it looks to me as she is moving.  I don't want to say how I think she maybe moving as it might cloud your judgement and I want a second oppionion.  

heres the coastalwatch link again just so you don't have to hunt for it.

Looks rather nasty atm, reports of upto 100 kph winds and 4 metre (12 foot) waves.

Theres some very early reports that 2 more ships maybe introuble and draging their anchors.

For more info it's probably best to do a search as the situation seems to be changing by the minute.

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