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Messages - Mrs. D

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Help and Advice / Re: Mystery Ship to identify
« on: November 16, 2019, 04:30:55 PM »
Was there any other angles of the ship in the video? What song was it?

My condolences to his family and friends. May he rest in peace.

« on: November 25, 2018, 07:35:22 PM »
I did some looking around and I found several posts that state ferry services out of Egypt have been suspended. Here are a couple of examples of the kinds of posts I found, good luck to your friend.

This one deals more with Italy, but it might explain why it is so hard to find a ferry.

@MrsD thanks for the lady's point of view. I didn't know you existed until now !

I hope I am not the only lady on here  ;D Hope everything worked out for you, sorry I took so long to check back.

I wish to extend my heart felt condolences to Ken Smith's family and friends. I was very saddened to hear of his passing. :'(

I did not know him except through his work on this site (many happy hours of reading his posts and looking at his photos's for the last several years). His contributions to making this site what it is are unmeasurable as was his love of ship spotting I think. He has left a lasting legacy to all of us who enjoy this site. May he always be remembered and his example followed.

Hi MattyBoy  :)

As a woman I would say that Captain Ted and several others are right. I have been happily married for 13 years now and we both kept our hobbies. I never asked my husband to make a choice between me and his hobbies just he has never asked me to stop mine or chose between him and them.

ventuari gave some very smart advice too. Everything that you are including your hobbies are the parts of you that make you YOU (if that makes sense). They are what made you attractive to her in the first place. If you eliminate all that then you will be a different person and it won't work out. You can't make a leopard change its spots, you just end up with unhappy people.

Best of luck to you and hope to still see you on here,

Mrs. D

 :D Thanks for a great point made and a good laugh.

Shipping News and information / J.B. Ford IMO 5166378 scraping information
« on: December 04, 2015, 06:10:47 AM »
 :-[ This is my first time posting here and I am not sure I am posting this correctly, such as in the right forum or should I have put this on one of the photos of her here.

I was reading around and found where the J.B. Ford has been sent to the scrapers. The article I found was at

According to the write up she was sent off back in October to Azcon Scrapyard in Duluth, I don't know if anyone would be interested or not. I did find several photos of her on here.


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