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Messages - amSeehafen

Pages: [1]
Help and Advice / Re: My videos seem to be gone?
« on: March 20, 2015, 08:02:55 PM »
Thank you for the extremely useful advise! I now found out, that if I only paste the alphanuumeric code, the videos run fine, but if - what had been working good for years - I paste in the complete YouTube link, it only produces grey blanks. Means, I will have to fix about 2600 video links... I wonder, why they changed this.

Help and Advice / My videos seem to be gone?
« on: March 20, 2015, 08:25:16 AM »
Dear all, according to the "my videos" list I have more than 2000 ship videos online, but most of them suddenly seem to show up as blank fields only, even tho on YouTube they are still up and running. Only some of my really old ones seem to be left. Any advise, what may be wrong and what I could try to fix the problem?

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