
Shipspotters all over the world => Shipping News and information => Topic started by: chrisg46 on January 13, 2019, 08:14:26 PM

Title: UK's most barbaric seatrade continues.
Post by: chrisg46 on January 13, 2019, 08:14:26 PM
Title: Re: UK's most barbaric seatrade continues.
Post by: simonwp on January 14, 2019, 07:40:24 AM
Whilst I agree with the general sentiments, perhaps if the regular ferry companies hadn't given in to protestors, exporters wouldn't have resorted to this totally unsuitable method of shipping livestock. They would have been shipped in reasonable conditions on reliable vessels. Beware of the Law Of Unintended Consequences.
Title: Re: UK's most barbaric seatrade continues.
Post by: chrisg46 on January 14, 2019, 12:45:35 PM
Thanks for the comment, Simon. There seem to be a number of views on why the majors turned transport of cull ewes for slaughter away, the protesters being one, but another was apparently the condition of the animals they were being asked to carry, and complaints they had from other passengers, mainly about the stench, and health concerns.