
Shipspotters all over the world => Shipping News and information => Topic started by: Phillips742 on September 14, 2016, 04:35:53 PM

Title: Tordenskjold
Post by: Phillips742 on September 14, 2016, 04:35:53 PM
Dear all I found an old photograph of my Norwegian Grandfather with his name P.W. Christensen and Tordenskjold wrote on the back. I think the photograph dates back to late 1920's or early 1930's Any information would be greatly appreciated. Regards, Wayne Phillips
Title: Re: Tordenskjold
Post by: Trygve Eriksen on September 14, 2016, 07:53:45 PM
I do not see any picture of her.  SS "Tordenskjold" built 1906,  BU  1954. Passengers and cargo.  196,1 x 29,7 feet.  Steam engine 800 HP gave up to 12 knots. 921 GrT.  More details on net. She has a dark hull.  Is this the right ship??   best regards  Trygve Eriksen
Title: Re: Tordenskjold
Post by: Phillips742 on September 14, 2016, 08:47:13 PM

Thank you so much for the reply. I do not have any specific technical information regarding the ship Tordenskjold. I am just going on the writing on the back of the photograph that I have. I do have other photographs showing my Grandfather on board some unnamed vessel or vessels that may be of interest. I have tried to attach the photographs.


Title: Re: Tordenskjold
Post by: Trygve Eriksen on September 14, 2016, 09:23:38 PM
Both Wikipedia  and  Warsailors  gives info about  SS Tordenskjold.  Look at those pages, incl. pictures.   Perhaps some details on some ot the pictures are similar. But I am not sure that timber was usual cargo on SS Tordenskjold.   Norwegian "DS" means "SS"             About  D/S Tordenskjold
Updated Apr. 7-2009

To Tordenskjold on the "Ships starting with T" page.

A picture is available on this external page (click in it to enlarge).

Manager: Det Nordenfjeldske Dampskibsselskab, Trondheim
Tonnage: 921 gt, 550 net, 840 tdwt.

Delivered in Apr.-1906 from Trondhjems mek. Verksted as Tordenskjold (123) to Det Nordenfjeldske Dampskibsselskab, Trondhjem. 205' 9"/195' (loa/lpp) x 29' 6" x 15' 6"/22' 8" (D/D1), Triple exp. steam engine by yard, 741 ihp at trials, 12 knots, 2 cargo holds. Certified for 200 passengers in coastal service, and 85 in North Sea service. Put into service to Hamburg. Ran aground near Egersund on Apr. 5-1910 and had to be beached in Hovlandsviken due to heavy damages. Ran aground again on Jan. 29-1913 near Bardals