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Messages - VAV

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IMO : 7722231
Type of ship : Ro-Ro Cargo Ship
Year of build : 1978
Flag : Italy

ROME, April 29 (Reuters) - An Italian cargo ship, the Jolly Smeraldo, escaped being hijacked by Somali pirates off the Horn of Africa on Wednesday, Italy's foreign ministry and company officials said.

The pirates attacked some 300 nautical miles southeast of the Somali capital, Mogadishu, as the Italian-owned container vessel travelled to Jeddah in Saudi Arabia from the Kenyan port of Mombasa.

"They fired some shots but after about 10 or 15 minutes they gave up and went away," said Andrea Gais, managing director of the company Messina, which owns the vessel.

Михаил спасибо за полную информацию по пиратским захватам -
Слушал вас по НТВ, при такой активности Сом/пиратов, скоро будете вести спецрепортажи "ПИРАТІ ХХI ВЕКА".
С Уважением,
Андрей В. / Одесса

1. Malaysian palmoil tanker (m/t Bunga Melati Dua)
2. Japanese tanker (m/v Irene)
3. Iranian bulker
4. German vessel
5. ???
Who following ???
As "Convoy PQ-17" the twenty first century

Today at 00.06 in Kerch strait because of breakage there was on a bank m/v AMANDA which follows from Mariupol to Spain with coal.

MOSCOW.  June  16    -  Nearly  3,000  tonnes  of  copper
belonging  to  MMC Norilsk Nickel, a key Russian nonferrous and precious
metal company,  ended  up  on the bottom of a northern Siberian river on
Sunday as a barge sank while the metal was being loaded on it, a Norilsk
Nickel spokeswoman said on Monday.
     The  barge's hull broke through as copper was being put on the boat
in the Dudinka  port,  which  lies  in  the lower reaches of the Yenisei
River. The  barge sank, taking 2,822 tonnes of copper to the bottom with
     Kovalyova  said  no  one  had  been  hurt  and that the loading had
involved no departure from technical rules.
     The  copper  would  be  raised  from  the  bottom  when the current
seasonal high water level in the Yenisei goes down, she said.
     Since the site of the accident was a river port, it would not delay
the loading of metal on sea ships to be carried to other parts of Russia
or abroad, the spokeswoman said.
     The  copper  that  sank  "was intended for the domestic market, the
schedule of supplies will not be disrupted," she said.
     Kovalyova  said  the  Dudinka  port  would  go  back to its regular
loading  and  unloading routine when its facilities are restored by mid-
July spring after seasonal flooding.
     Norilsk  Nickel  is  the  world's  leading  producer  of nickel and
palladium,  Russia's  top gold producer, and a major producer of copper,
platinum and cobalt.

MOSCOW, June 8 - The families of the 10 people that died in a fire on a cargo ship at a military dockyard in Russia's Baltic exclave of Kaliningrad will receive over $43,000 each in compensation, a navy spokesman said on Sunday.

MOSCOW, June 6 (RIA Novosti) - Seven bodies have been recovered following an explosion and fire aboard a civilian cargo ship moored at a military dockyard in Russia's Baltic exclave of Kaliningrad, a navy spokesman said on Friday.

The fire on the Yenisey container ship, which was undergoing repairs at the naval port of Baltiisk, broke out at around 3:00 p.m. Moscow time (11:00 GMT) on Thursday, and raged for six and a half hours. The cause of the blaze is not yet known, but is believed to be a fuel tank explosion.

"Seven bodies have been found at the scene of the fire at the ship's aft deck," Capt. 1st Rank Igor Dygalo said, adding that at least three people were still missing.

A special commission led by Navy Commander Adm. Vladimir Vysotsky has started an investigation at the scene.

"Rescue workers are clearing the debris and searching for those missing," Dygalo said

Ship fire in Russia's Baltic exclave leaves 3 dead, 7 missing

Black Time for the company NAFTOGAZ (shipowner of Naftogaz-67)

UKRAINE, April  - A MI-8 helicopter carrying offshore oil rig workers crashed on Monday in Ukraine killing 19 people on board, a spokesman for Ukraine's state-owned oil and gas company Naftogaz.
The company's helicopter fell into the Black Sea 70 kilometers (45 miles) off the coast after clipping the side of a drilling platform with its tail rotor.

"There were 20 people on board. Nineteen were killed, and one survived the crash," Valentin Zemlyansky said.
Ukraine's Transport and Communication Minister Yosyp Vinskyi told a news conference that the crash is believed to have been caused by pilot error.
"As far as I know, the helicopter was in good condition and had passed all regular check-ups," he said. "Therefore, the human factor may have been involved."

A special ministerial commission has been set up to investigate the cause of the crash, he added.
The Mi-8, produced at the Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant, is a medium twin-turbine transport helicopter with 24 passenger capacity. It is the world's second most-produced helicopter, and is operated by over 50 countries.

В Эгейском море терпит бедствие корабль Черноморского флота России. Как сообщили РБК в службе информации и общественных связей ВМФ РФ, судно является плавучей мастерской ПМ-138. На его борту находится 88 человек.

По данным ВМФ РФ, в понедельник от командира корабля был получен сигнал о том, что судно обесточено и потеряло ход, сейчас оно дрейфует. По предварительным данным, причина происшествия - сильное волнение моря, сила которого составляет 4-5- баллов, а также ветер со скоростью 15-17 м/с.

В посольстве России в Афинах уточнили, что аварийное судно будет отбуксировано в безопасное место, где моряки самостоятельно его отремонтируют и продолжат плавание. "На судне произошла поломка двигателя, - отметили в посольстве. - Капитан корабля из-за плохой погоды на море принял решение обратиться за помощью к греческой стороне".

Как рассказали в ВМФ РФ, судно совершает переход из сирийского порта Тартус в Севастополь. На момент аварии оно находилось в центральной части Эгейского моря. На борту ПМ-138 вооружения нет. Экипаж судна чувствует себя нормально. Командование ВМФ РФ по дипломатическим каналам проинформировало руководство Греции и Турции о происшествии. В район дрейфа направлены греческий фрегат "Бабулина", буксир "Теклокс" и вертолет ВМС Турции.

По данным Министерства обороны Греции, российское судно перевозило топливо.

Reports are coming in that a Russian military ship is sending a distress signal in the Aegean Sea. The vessel sent out a may-day call earlier on Monday after it experienced an engine failure.
Greek coast guards are on their way to the area off the coast of Ikaria, more than two hundred kilometres south-east of Athens.
Strong winds and high waves are hampering the rescue efforts.

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