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Topics - SkipSkip12

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Hi  :)

I know that I'm not the most active member of our community, but I wanted to approach you about a topic, I was thinking a lot about in the last time. I've started to get into Zine making and wondered if you hade some interest in an zine about shipspotting.

But what is it all about?

What is a zine?: A zine (short for magazine) is a DIY made magazine mainly about topics that are not covered in main stream press and usually only have a low number produced (between 25 - 500). Zines had their origin in punk music and started to get more attention since the 2 years we had to stay at home. It is a big topic in LGBTQ scene, but there are also a lot zines about music, literature (self written or reviews), films, photography, politics, art, sports.... You name it: You can make a zine about anything, even about simple things like "How was my day?". Google and Youtube also have a lot of info about this.

What will the zine be about? It will be a photography zine aboute shipspotting and shipping/maritime in general. Not only ship photos, which follow this websites rules will be published, but also other shipping/port/maritime photos will be printed.

Why do you ask us?: Because I would like to produce a zine about shipspotting and want to know if any one is interested at all. Why should I produce some, if nobody would want one  ;D

When will the zine be published? I haven't even stared yet, I just want to know you feedback first  :)

 What will this cost? Honestly: I don't know. I don't want to make a profit and only want to make it for fun. It will only cost the production cost (paper, printing) and shipping. So nothing more than 10 EUR + shipping. I think international shipping will be possible via post.

What should I exspect? Not too much :D It is just a DIY, homemade project, no full style magazine by a big publisher.

Can I participate?Well, because I haven't started yet, I don't really know :D But I would be glad if some would participate and I'm open for any sugestiones and open to publish your photo. But a post about this will follow later, if this projet comes into existence.

Well, that is all. Please leave you feedback below. I'm intersted to hear from you all!

Best regards, Tom  :)

Help and Advice / Maximum Size of Container Vessel
« on: February 06, 2018, 05:40:15 PM »
Good evening dear all,

as someone new to the topic, I have question to which I was not able to find the answer on the internet.

It seem that every new build ULCV has the approx. dimension of 400m x 55-60m.

Why is it like this? When Shipping Companies want to have more profit due to larger TEU count, then why do the not simply build 500m x 70m vessels for example?

The Suez Canal shouldn't be the problem, because it has no locks, right?

Thanks for your help! :)

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