
Shipspotters all over the world => Shipping News and information => Topic started by: Nghiep on December 24, 2019, 08:27:22 AM

Title: Rescue / salvaging sunk container vessel LOA 130 m
Post by: Nghiep on December 24, 2019, 08:27:22 AM
Hi shipping Gurus,

Ref the sinking box ship MV Vietstar Integrity in Long Tau/Saigon river channel on date 9/10/2019 till now salvage company not yet finish (make vsl afloat - vsl still middle of channel - it make vsl calling in/out Saigon ports have to reduce draft when passing this accident area) -  they are doing cut ship hull then remove containers in hold before make vsl afloat (abt 150 ctnrs).
So is there any people experience for salvage the sinking vsl as this case ? and usually how long does it take, any new tech can make this safer and faster (actually there have no crews lost during sinking, but when salvage there are 3 divers has been passed away due to poison air leaking from containers)

By the way, for the insurance, will PnI cover for this case ? the ship is self sinking due to bad stowage planning ?

Thanks !!