Author Topic: Schelde Trader  (Read 2318 times)

Offline Jim H

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Schelde Trader
« on: October 28, 2011, 08:38:19 PM »
Relieved officials were narrowly spared a repeat of the Rena disaster when a second container ship ran aground at Mt Maunganui yesterday. No oil leaked into the sea.

The grounding of the 133m MV Schelde Trader in the morning came three weeks after the MV Rena slammed into Astrolabe Reef 22km away, where the container ship remains stricken.

Yesterday's incident - blamed on a mechanical failure that cut the ship's power and sent it heading towards the base of Mt Maunganui without steering controls - has sparked fresh calls by the Maori Party and the Greens for wider investigations into the shipping industry.

"It's fantastic to hear there's been no oil spilt, there are no injuries and that it was a comparatively minor incident, but it does raise some serious concerns with two accidents in around a month's time at New Zealand's busiest port," Green MP Gareth Hughes said.

Bay of Plenty Regional Council spokesman Eddie Grogan said no oil leaked from the Schelde Trader and it appeared the ship had escaped with minor damage.

The vessel, which was leaving for Noumea when it struck North West Rock at 10.35am, lay grounded for about 20 minutes before it was refloated and towed back into port.
:-o ... :lol:

Offline Sailerman

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Re: Schelde Trader
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2011, 12:22:13 AM »
That reminds me of a live stock ship leaving an Australian harbor with 60,000 sheep heading for Yemen's 'Ramadan feast'couple of months ago.
A ways out the engine quite, ship was towed back. For many Yemenies less feasting.

Offline Brent

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Re: Schelde Trader
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2011, 09:12:48 PM »

We also had a livestock carrier aground in Napier in the nineties, Danny F was leaving and I believe she hadn't been "steamed up" long enough and when she needed to turn in the fairway no rersponse from the helm. Like the Schelde Trader was only there a few hours before being pulled off and resuming the journey after divers gave her a clean bill of health.




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