Author Topic: Suez Canal pictures  (Read 1680 times)

Offline Robert Smith

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Suez Canal pictures
« on: July 13, 2011, 05:48:23 PM »
Piero Corona, who is still in Suez, has received following news (freely translated from Italian into English):

Egyptian soldiers have arrested today an Italian who was taking pictures of a military building in Cairo, according to the Mena Press agency. The Italian has been transferred in a specialist unit for questioning. Egyptian law forbids to take photographs of structures, palaces or buildings which are the property of the army or of the police. In the course of this week, four Americans and a Egyptian translator have been stopped after having made pictures in Suez Canal zone. An Egyptian military source said that the four are still in the custody of military intelligence.


IL CAIRO (Reuters) - Soldati egiziani hanno arrestato oggi un italiano che stava scattando fotografie a un edificio militare al Cairo, ha scritto l'agenzia di stampa statale Mena.
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