Author Topic: No silvester party with Emma Maersk in Rotterdam????  (Read 2601 times)

Offline Galadriel

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No silvester party with Emma Maersk in Rotterdam????
« on: November 27, 2010, 06:19:33 PM »
Good evening everybody,

Not long ago I was checking up at  the schedule of the Maersk Web when Maersk Emma was coming along next time in Rotterdam.
With exitement I found in the schedule that her next visit was scheduled for the 31 of December. (I am not absolutely sure, can have been the 30th as well!
Actually we planned our Christmas to New year holidays in the alps for this year, so I didn't check up on it any more.

Today we were talking about what to do when there is no snow at he alps when we want to got there and as an alternate to a rainy alp holiday both of us reminded that Emma would be in Rotterdam at just the right time for a little silvester / new year Party and  we thought we could in this case spend Christmas at home and go to Rotterdam for the New Year event... Emma spotting!!!!!!!

Unluckily when I just checked up on the Maersk website the return of Emma for New Year to Rooterdam is not to be found any more.
Does anybody know why the date is canceled? Or is it normal that they change their scheldules ? Maybe there is a repair needed????

At present Emma is in China as far as my message system tells me, it would fir with being back in Rotterdam for New Year!!!!???!!!!

I am confused...

Maybe somebody knows more??????

Offline Dave van Spronsen

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Re: No silvester party with Emma Maersk in Rotterdam????
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2010, 06:44:09 PM »
Ik Have checked the two website's and Emma is still coming 30-12 around 9.00-11.00 and leave 31-12 11.00 hours.
Only be careful last thursday Edith Maersk came around 19.00 It;s still possible that the schedule will change.


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Offline Galadriel

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Re: No silvester party with Emma Maersk in Rotterdam????
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2010, 07:02:14 PM »
am i blind?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I checked it several times...
Thanks Dave! I will go to check it again now...

Offline Galadriel

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Re: No silvester party with Emma Maersk in Rotterdam????
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2010, 07:44:54 PM »
Hi Dave,
I just have been again at the Maersk Site. I cant find it...
Do  I do somehting wrong? I have been findinge her before. but now for the 30th are only four ships shown on the schedule and no Emma....
I go to Maersk Schedule / Ports, give in Rotterdam and the date between 1 and 31 of December . Do I do something wrong?
Thanks a lot for your help!

Offline Dave van Spronsen

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Re: No silvester party with Emma Maersk in Rotterdam????
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2010, 07:51:18 PM »
Go to the Maersk Website,
you can also search by vessels if you search by Emma Maersk you can find the compleet schedule of the Emma Maersk


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Offline Michael van der Meer

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Re: No silvester party with Emma Maersk in Rotterdam????
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2010, 10:33:24 AM »
Despite I have just left Maersk Line scheduling department in Rotterdam,
kindly note proforma schedule is 30/1100-31/1100. Depending on the total
movements (discharge/load), she might arrive 1500 or 1900. Departure time
31/1100 is quite 'fixed', as the terminal is closed as from 31/1500. It might
also possible Emma Maersk will leave 31/0700. Suggest to closely monitor Maersk Line own website, as my colleagues will update the arrival/departure once changed.
Rgds, Michael van der Meer
Michael van der Meer

All posts, views, comments etc., are my own.

Offline Galadriel

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Re: No silvester party with Emma Maersk in Rotterdam????
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2010, 10:49:36 AM »
Hello guys,
Thank you very much for your help.
Yesterday night I had big troubles and I am sure it was because of that bloody Ipad.
Due trough the restrictaions, Steve Jobs is puttin`g on his Ipad Safari browser as no flash player possible and more,  some websites cant be used normal, for example there are no scrollbars on some sites... And in a lot of cases you dont even notice it, just wonder that the site is not like it is when you come a long with an good old Internet Explorer.

One day I definatley trow that Pad out of the window or best at Steve Jobs


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