Author Topic: Who is Glenn Defense  (Read 1848 times)

Offline Mike Cornwall

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Who is Glenn Defense
« on: February 12, 2010, 11:05:06 PM »
Whilst in Asia recently on the Costa Allegra we came across vessels belonging to Glenn Defense.

We were anchored in Chalong Bay, at the back of Phuket and overnight an American warship, the USS Ingraham, (No 61 on her hull), arrived. She was accompanied by a flotilla of vessels belonging to Glenn Defense.
There were as follows;
Glenn Admiral, an ocean going salvage tug.
Glenn Victory, a passenger tender.
Glenn Supply, a small tanker.
Glenn California and
Glenn Patriot, both harbour type tugs.
Glenn Ocean Support, a cargo tender vessel.
The last vessel was tied up to the warship. The rest were anchored nearby.
They are all painted like navy ships and all had a blue band with crest on the funnel.

Who is this outfit and why so many ships for one little warship.

Are they a navy version of blackwater.

I have checked their website which tells you nothing usefull.

Rgds/Mike  (hilifta)

Offline Michael Martin

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Re: Who is Glenn Defense
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2010, 04:00:50 AM »
Actually they are exactly that, contract for hire navy.

From the website:
Over the years, GMG has become one of the foremost and trusted brand names in marine and offshore logistics, maritime security and force protection. With 38 established subsidiaries in over 27 countries across the Asia-Pacific, it has an unsurpassed global reach.

Most likely in this case for logistics and supply. I doubt a Navy Frigate would need security protection from a bunch of tugs and a tanker.


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