Author Topic: Where to take good ship pictures in SHANGHAI  (Read 3786 times)

Offline Charles Mercier

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Where to take good ship pictures in SHANGHAI
« on: December 04, 2009, 10:00:22 PM »
Hi everyone,

I will be in Shanghai in January and will have abt 2 days free for ship photography. Can anyone tell me where the best spot to take ship pictures is ? Since I have little time I need to go straight to the right place to see/photograph as many ships as possible so your advice will be much appreciated !

Cheers :-)

Offline Richard Matterson

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Re: Where to take good ship pictures in SHANGHAI
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2009, 07:46:07 AM »
The afternoon cruise from The Bund down to the mouth of the Huangpu River is always good as you get to see the downstream berths. Otherwise plenty of shipping goes past The Bund each day. Either side of the river (depending on where you are staying) is ok.


Offline Gerolf Drebes

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Re: Where to take good ship pictures in SHANGHAI
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2009, 02:39:07 PM »
I was in Shangahi in 2002.
I do not know how nuch has changed now.
My shipping days there were:
Morning: going to the Bund for shipwatching and with a taxi ( you have to show the place the driver as they did not know English) some 3-4 km upstream the Huangpu river to take the ships lying there (but maybe the berth are no more there because of the rapic changes in that area).
At 2 pm I took the big port tour going down the Hungpu river until it mounds in the Yangtze river. There  you can take lots of shipping. It started at that time as well at the Bund. The tour lasted 3 hours. But I do not know if the tour will go as well in winter as I was ther in may.
The big container terminals are in the Yangzte river I did not reach them. Maybe it is possible with a taxi as well as to go a beach at the Yangze river where you perhaps can as well see shipping on the Yantze, which is quite busy. This as well I did not try because of the language difficulties.
So the easiest will be the port tour and the Bund.
Kind regards from Bavaria

Offline Charles Mercier

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Re: Where to take good ship pictures in SHANGHAI
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2009, 08:57:12 PM »
Many thanks for your good advice Gerolf!

Offline Christian

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Re: Where to take good ship pictures in SHANGHAI
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2009, 09:22:32 AM »
Let us know, how was the trip and where were you taking pictures.


Offline Richard Matterson

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Re: Where to take good ship pictures in SHANGHAI
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2009, 09:40:45 AM »
One other piece of advice is many of the taxi drivers don't speak English. Your hotel should give you a card with their name (in Chinese) on it - show it to the taxi driver when you want to get home. Similarly if you need to go anywhere get the hotel to give you a card with your destination printed on it - makes it easy.


Offline Charles Mercier

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Re: Where to take good ship pictures in SHANGHAI
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2009, 07:45:35 PM »
Yes, many people have told me the taxi drivers do not speak english which looks incredible for a city like Shanghai. I will follow your suggestions. I hope to get plenty of exciting shipping !

Thanks Richard


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