Author Topic: Danish owners call for CMA CGM and Hapag Lloyd capacity cuts  (Read 2363 times)

Offline Fotojoe

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Danish owners call for CMA CGM and Hapag Lloyd capacity cuts
« on: October 15, 2009, 07:32:38 AM »
Danish owners call for CMA CGM and Hapag Lloyd capacity cuts


Hapag Lloyd and CMA CGM should be forced to cut their fleet capacity
in return for government financial support, Danish shipowners have
told the European Commission.

The suggestion to directly link state support with fleet reductions
was put forward during a meeting between Brussels competition
officials and the Danish Shipowners Association last week.

According to association executive vice president Jan Fritz Hansen,
proposed moves by France and Germany to support CMA CGM and Hapag
Lloyd risk creating significant market distortions.

What we said to the commission was that they need to look carefully
at these plans, Mr Hansen told Lloyds List. We want to be the early
birds here saying that this should not turn into a subsidy race.

The Danish Shipowners Association, which counts AP Moller-Maersk as
its largest member, raised specific concerns during the meeting
regarding Germanys approval of a

Offline Mike Cornwall

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Re: Danish owners call for CMA CGM and Hapag Lloyd capacity cuts
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2009, 04:39:33 PM »
Yes, I'll bet the Danish Shipowners, (read MAERSK), would like to see CMA CGM and HL cut capacity.
All the more for them.
Do these guys think everyone else is blind as well as stupid.!!
The gall of some people really astounds me.


Offline Morten

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Re: Danish owners call for CMA CGM and Hapag Lloyd capacity cuts
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2009, 07:20:51 PM »
Now, I'm not exactly impressed with M

Offline Fotojoe

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Re: Danish owners call for CMA CGM and Hapag Lloyd capacity cuts
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2009, 06:58:00 AM »
It is rather a matter of keeping structures alive during the crisis rather than letting go everything down the drain and, some time in future, discover that the remaining few are unable to provide the required services to help economy strengthen again. if governments would have done nothing, we all would be sittin there without money, heating and consumer goods now. may they be transported by our light blue danish friends or someone else.
Anyhow, it's better to see a few other colours plying the seas. not just light blue.
nb - alike their behaviour their quality is fading away in as much as qualified personnell is being made redundant or leaves voluntarily. One cannot compare Maersk now with Maersk 15 years ago.............sad.
They just grow bigger - not better.

Offline Morten

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Re: Danish owners call for CMA CGM and Hapag Lloyd capacity cuts
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2009, 07:33:12 AM »
I agree on your point about M


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