Author Topic: HMS Victory  (Read 4041 times)


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HMS Victory
« on: September 13, 2008, 09:52:05 AM »
Hi All

I read this story and wondered what the UK is coming to when it cannot afford to care for its historical artefact's!

Courtesy of
Nelson's ship HMS Victory could be sold off to private owner

By Richard Smith 13/09/2008

There was uproar yesterday when it was revealed that Lord Nelson's legendary flagship could be given away to a private owner.

The Government says HMS Victory may be too expensive to maintain and could be passed to a firm or a charity.

But a former First Sea Lord said giving up the world's oldest commissioned warship would make a mockery of Britain's naval heritage.

Victory was built between 1759 and 1765 and was Lord Nelson's flagship at the Battle of Trafalgar. She has pride of place at Portsmouth docks.

Lt Cmdr Michael Cheshire, retired, commanding officer from 1992 to 1998. He said: "If they sell her or give her away to charity it will be a tragedy. This magnificent ship means so much to the whole nation. To sell off this icon would indicate the decline of the Royal Navy."

And Portsmouth South's Lib Dem MP Mike Hancock said it would mean an uncertain future for the ship.

He said: "It would be a constant battle for funding - she would never be kept in the condition she is now."

Victory costs a minimum

Offline JonHare

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Re: HMS Victory
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2008, 10:36:41 PM »
Hartlepool will gratefully take her. Would be great to see another Tall Ship added to our collection.

Offline Kelvin Davies

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Re: HMS Victory
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2008, 08:22:07 AM »
I read this story yesterday morning on the BBC site.
My first thought was "what a bunch of no-hopers we have in government".
They seem to be overlooking one very important fact; as well as being an historical ship, HMS Victory is still the oldest commissioned warship in the Royal Navy. In fact, I think she is the oldest serving warship in the world.
So, being a commissioned ship, considering the idea of having a charitable trust taking over the running of the ship is the same as getting a charity to take over the running & operation of HMS Ark Royal etc!

Offline Allan RO

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Re: HMS Victory
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2008, 07:03:12 PM »
Hi All

Can't see a problem, this government has sold off most of the rest of the country (or should it be sold out) including most of our gold reserves at the lowest price for donkey's years (that was our prudent chancellor) so why not sell the Victory to Dubai where she could sit next to the QE2.   Oh and lets send the Robin (that needs some work), Cavalier also and perhaps they might also rebuild the Cutty Sark while they are at it .................


Offline David Harrison

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Re: HMS Victory
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2008, 08:48:22 PM »
It is typical of this and every Labour Government to look at ways of 'saving' money - yet wastes money.

If it means saving HMS Victory, bring her to Hartlepool and allow Camelot (Lottery) provide sufficient funds for her future.  :hammer:
regards Glencairn :-) :pint:

Offline JonHare

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Re: HMS Victory
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2008, 09:35:31 PM »
Yes, another Tall Ship will help encompass the rebirth of the Marina. Now what is the name of that ship that is in the scrap yard that is grade I listed. There was talk of restoring her.

Hartlepool has got a great tradition, with a restoration team that is reknown for their quality restorations. Just have to look at The Warrior & The Trincomalee. The services are there to restore any ship that is in need. I feel that Hartlepool could well suit to becoming a permament home for a number of Tall Ships.

Yes, I agree that Lottery Funding is now a major factor in any restoration project. And with the right group backing will be beneficial to the ships future.

The thing we have to remember is that we need to look after these valuable historic ships for future generations. Also to have at least them stay in this country is a real must. I am sick of seeing our history traded away for an absolute pitance.

Offline David Harrison

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Re: HMS Victory
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2008, 09:50:31 PM »
Hi JonHare

Are you thinking of City of Adelaide?
 Now that WOULD be a project. :pint:
regards Glencairn :-) :pint:

Offline JonHare

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Re: HMS Victory
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2008, 11:57:35 PM »
Yes that sounds about right. Has some connection with Sunderland?

The lads at Hartlepool will do a quality job on her. Has there been anymore talk of her. As it was about 5 or more years when I last heard about her. Let's have her now.

Bring on everything.   :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Offline Chris Fahey

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Re: HMS Victory
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2008, 03:16:29 PM »
I take the Sunderland Echo and there's been discussions or should I say rants in the letters page about it (the Adelaide). The thing is the City Council were approached and asked to buy it to preserve the history of shipping so on and so on. Council said ok but first we want an independent report on it's condition report came and basically said it needed condeming not moving and ever since then the council said they're not spending anything on it. Mind you it would probably be better than the rusting hulk that is Manxman.

Offline JonHare

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Re: HMS Victory
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2008, 11:45:10 PM »
I have sent an email to the Hartlepool Mail about the story posted about HMS Victory and mentioned the Adelaide. I linked the story in with regards to Tall Ships 2010 Hartlepool Quays. To try and sell it to make a story of what would happen if we were to get another permament Tall Ship as resident. Or another restoration project. Should find out soon if they are going to make a story about it. I should think that they would. The North East is poorly represented with maritime (ships esp Tall Ships) attractions.  

Now there's a plan.

A Tall Ships City  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Offline David Harrison

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Re: HMS Victory
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2008, 09:54:12 PM »
Hartlepool a Tall Ships City!!!

'I LIKE IT'    

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
regards Glencairn :-) :pint:

Offline JonHare

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Re: HMS Victory
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2008, 10:36:09 PM »
I do try my best   :lol:


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