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Miramar Subscriptions

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pieter melissen:
Hi Brent,

Thanks for the update. It is quite ominous to read that there are plans to close the site. Does that mean that the site will not be accessible any more, or just that the final update will result in the finale version of the site?



Brent Hanson:
Hi Peter
I have heard nothing further on its future, maybe repeating myself but the family wants to honour current paid subscriptions as best they can and will keep it going for now. They would be aware some such as mine are multi-year but certainly won't be any work on it after uploading the last of Rodgers file updates. After that is uncertain and always risk of any major site failure not being fixed, so has been recommended to me buy the cd that the site advertises to at least have copy of the current records

pieter melissen:
Thanks Brent, my subscriptions run until April, so there is some time to consider what to do.

oh dear that is really sad! I love that database and was in touch with Rodger quite a few times.
My condolences to his family and I hope someone will find a way to keep the database running.

Sound like a plan to order a CD indeed before everything is closed.


Geoffrey Watson:
Wonder of somebody can help. I was sorry to hear about Rodger.
I paid $50 for a disk as suggested on here. That was over a month ago. Not received any disk or heard anything from the family.
Does anybody know if they are being sent out? My payment through on my credit card.


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