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Miramar Subscriptions

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Can any body help with my Miramar subscription, as I live in New Zealand I have an option of paying by direct credit from my account to a NZ Bank account, this has worked in the past. I informed via email to [email protected] that I had done so. So far after several emails my subscription has run out and am unable to contact Miramar at their address to see what's happening. Does any body know if this is the correct email address or how I can contact them.
Thanks in advance,
Dave Gallie (gwrdave)

tropic maritime images:
G'Day Dave,

I don't have any details, but I believe that Rodger who runs Miramar recently passed away. I would hope that someone will take over, but it may take a little while to sort out.


pieter melissen:
That is very sad news, Miramar has been a mainstay in maritime research so for many years. Hope there will be a solution for the estate.

Brent Hanson:
Hi Dave and community
Sad to confirm Rodger did pass away 25.8 (I'll send you the bereavement details seperately Dave) aged 80, and funeral 2.9.
The matter of continuation is unclear, no clear successor but some well intentioned associates will see how can be maintained. Understand Rodger had a whole room of Lloyds Registers so as well as new stuff, the old stuff was being attended to.
He was quite a gentleman and his endeavours were well supported by his wife Marion, who coincidentally had previously been married to another kiwi shipping historian and stalwart Paddy Leahy, whose shipping notes provide an encyclopaedic New Zealand shipping history from post-ww2 war years to the 1990's when he passed away way too young (56).
I must be one of many to make good use of the Miramar site and the worst case scenario is not wanted to be contemplated, but Rodger's passion will be hard to replicate.
Its a case of awaiting further developments for now and pleasing to note site still functioning as usual.

Brent Hanson:
Apologies, I had not passed on the update.
One last list of amendments Roger had started were posted and there will be no further uploads.
The family will maintain the site while they still have subscriptions to see out. For continued use of the database the best option will be to purchase the cd version before the site closes.


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