Author Topic: Soon - New website design  (Read 35599 times)

Offline LPX

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Re: Soon - New website design
« Reply #120 on: March 14, 2022, 08:05:46 AM »
Using Edge browser it will save the "category of ship" in the "Upload new photo" form for further downloads, the rest need to be refilled again, and for Opera, Mozilla is saving nothing. At least Mozilla was saving every data previously. Alternatively to refilling data for everty single photo now could be "Select file" for 4 files at the same time since a daily limit of 4 files on the site.

Offline Patrick Hill

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Re: Soon - New website design
« Reply #121 on: March 14, 2022, 10:22:35 AM »
I've been holding off uploading for a while, tried yesterday and it now works ok (Chrome) - however it is still very annoying that clicking on forum topics or latest comments opens up a new tab.

Offline Pieter_Inpijn

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Re: Soon - New website design
« Reply #122 on: March 14, 2022, 08:12:57 PM »
New photos keep popping up in multiple quantities and are disappearing a few seconds later. Most annoying while viewing new photos. See two examples.   I am starting to lose my pleasure in this website. I see no improvements.

Offline lappino

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Re: Soon - New website design
« Reply #123 on: March 15, 2022, 04:36:06 AM »
This reminds me of a story about our new software that we were supposed to use for work, but it was barely functional, up to a point where experienced workers were leaving our company when they could suffer no more... :) We then had to hire more people, because one person could do only so much, and now a 20 minute job took one hour to complete. Frustration was rampant, but then they've finally made it work, and it was a breeze, and things were running smoothly for some time - until it was completely discontinued due to higher level business decisions...

My .02$ is: patience. Patience will eventually be rewarded. (I hope.)

Offline andrecas

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Re: Soon - New website design
« Reply #124 on: March 15, 2022, 04:05:13 PM »
Since the launch of new website design, I've decided to step back just a bit. With most on line/on site activity now relegated to viewing comments made by other members. (While "test driving" new site design, I'm uploading only periodically). My latest upload being PRT HOPE, drew my attention to what appears to be an anomaly having to do with dates. I've noticed with (my) uploads, the date I actually took the photo and the capture date the site showing is different. My latest PRT HOPE photo was taken on January 7, yet the site is showing January 6 as capture date. Other examples: Venus History-taken January 1. Site showing capture date Dec. 31. Bella Ann-taken January 4. Site showing capture date January 5. The site is either showing an advanced date or a prior date to when photo was actually taken....? I've tried correcting date using the "edit" feature, however it defaults to a different date.

Sidebar: Being the old goat that I am and while not averse to change, I will miss the old version of ShipSpotting (Notwithstanding some of its shortcomings). It was the format above all that attracted me to the site, (over the Vesseltracker's and Fleetmon's of the world).  The former site design was practical to use. Easy to navigate, with clear, concise and compartmentalized features. That, among other characteristics, is what separated it from the others.  Nevertheless, in spite of the "growing pains", I'm sure over time the new site design will evolve.

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Re: Soon - New website design
« Reply #125 on: March 15, 2022, 08:15:36 PM »
If it aint broke dont fix it, bring back the old format with a few subtle changes.

Offline Johnny Holmen

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Re: Soon - New website design
« Reply #126 on: March 16, 2022, 06:15:26 AM »
The new design DO NOT present the photos into a paged system/archive, it makes it difficult to revert where you are in the achive when returning back from browsing ship details.

This functionality need to be restored (worked fine in the original version of shipspotting).

Offline csaba

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Re: Soon - New website design
« Reply #127 on: March 18, 2022, 05:55:50 AM »
One of my photos show that it has 3 comments, but when I click on it only one comment is there. Is there a problem displaying comments?

Offline Pieter_Inpijn

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Re: Soon - New website design
« Reply #128 on: March 18, 2022, 09:32:48 AM »
Website is functioning better now, upload much faster than before, but some requests:

Home page: Most viewed last 7 days, replace it with Most viewed in the last 24 hours, as on the former website.
Remove the likes-button: likes was never an item on this website.
Replace the likes-button with number of views & number of comments: those two items have real value for the members.
In the present situation I am looking for a week to the same two or three photos without knowing why.

Home page: Last photo comments. The list is to small to be of interest. The list on the former website was made much larger on request of the members. And repeated remarks like "Nice shot Cheers Ronald" make it even more useless. The list was intended to give additional info for some photos and gives the members also an insight in possible interesting photos. Please make the list longer, for instance by adding more "categories" next to it.

Home page: Presentation of latest photos.  Add IMO and ENI to the vessel name.
Remove the likes-button: likes was never an item on this website.
Replace the Likes-button with number of views & number of comments: those two items have real value for the members.

Showing a photo of an inland vessel: add ENI in the photo details box. IMO is already mentioned for seagoing vessels, why not ENI because it is for inland vessels the  key for registration as is IMO for seagoing vessels.
And mentioned several times before: make ENI the key for inland vessels as is IMO for seagoing vessels, than that message "This ship is not assigned to any other category." is gone as well.

And some feedback on these proposals would be nice...............

Regards,  Pieter Inpijn

Offline davidships

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Re: Soon - New website design
« Reply #129 on: March 18, 2022, 01:52:01 PM »
@Pieter I.
When we are sure that the uploading functionality is fit for purpose some of these other issues can be tackled. 
But, meanwhile, just to note:

a) Photocomment list.  Yes it should be longer (indeed, we asked a while back for more, not fewer, than the previous site).
b) The previous site has had "likes" for quite a few years - maybe about 10 - introduced I think in Ken Smith's time in an attempt to reduce the dependence on just "hits" for the so-called "top photos" which were being manipulated by some.  "Likes" were not much used, but will be incorporated in the algorithm for top photos, I think.
c) adding functionality for ENI numbers is certainly on the To Do list.  But there will, I think, be a few tech complications to be sorted, so please be patient.
d) front page photos - I think that it was changed to prevent duplicate photos.  Will consider further

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Re: Soon - New website design
« Reply #130 on: March 18, 2022, 05:47:37 PM »
Hi Pieter,

i fully agree with your reccomendations.

Offline MattB

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Re: Soon - New website design
« Reply #131 on: March 19, 2022, 06:14:23 PM »
Hi Forum,

I'm pleased to report I'm able to upload photographs to the new site without any hitches. I'm still getting used to it of course. To all involved a huge thanks. For me, it's an absolute pleasure to navigate, clear, concise. It's just a wonderful experience. I especially like the Full Screen without having to log-in. (I'm using Safari)
« Last Edit: March 19, 2022, 06:17:05 PM by MattB »

Offline andrecas

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Re: Soon - New website design
« Reply #132 on: March 20, 2022, 02:57:00 PM »
Is there a shortcut in new design, whereby a photographer can access his/her photos (not knowing vsl name/IMO), going back to either day one or anything in between, without having to endlessly scroll down page after page...? In the sort feature only "newest first" and "most popular" selection available. In the old version, a photographer could go from first page to last page with a click of the mouse. Perhaps this feature was incorporated somewhere in new design and I simply can't find it...? (Senior moment).....     :-)

Offline Paul Finnigan

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Re: Soon - New website design
« Reply #133 on: March 21, 2022, 06:39:35 AM »
Whats the different between hits and total hits on a photo? 

Offline Patrick Hill

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Re: Soon - New website design
« Reply #134 on: March 21, 2022, 12:24:50 PM »
Whats the different between hits and total hits on a photo?

Hits is on that photo, total is across all photos of that vessel.


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