Author Topic: Deletions  (Read 3718 times)

Offline davidships

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« on: July 21, 2019, 01:11:57 AM »
Following moved from photocomments on an unrelated photo by another member.  May I remind all members that Photo Comments are for what it says: comments on the photo in question.

[later] I have replied to the issues raised direct to Tomislav.

Tomislav Raymondi on Jul 20, 2019 15:24    
I do not understand the rules of this web site, four photos posted yesterday were deleted by the censor, these four photos had been posted by me many times ago without any problem, now and as magic act these same photos were found to be not sharp, same angles again this unclear rule, so I beg you please agree on a single criteria to delete the photos, really sometimes I think it is not worthwhile to continue uploading photos to the site.

Pieter Inpyn on Jul 20, 2019 18:12     
@Tumislav Raymondi: what do you mean with "these four photos had been posted by me many times ago without any problem", do you recycle your pic's? Because your oldest post is now 8th July 2019 and I think you have been a member for several years now?

Tomislav Raymondi on Jul 20, 2019 20:34    
I am going to answer you in very simple terms, I am a member of shipspotting from the very beginning of the website, when Tomas was the webmaster, then with Ken, Derek and now with David, and I see that the same reasons as "not sharp ship details difficult to see " still continue, but without indicating or referring to what is wrong in the photo, sometimes I think it is because the captain does not appear in the photo.

For information in October 2018 download 3000 photos of the page (yes, three thousand photos), I do not remember exactly the amount lowered in other years, I vaguely remember that the year 2010 I downloaded 5000 photos or a little more or a little less.

And the last one, was the jewel of the crown, one photo of the bulk carrier Roble N, was considered for deletion due to the ship was not in the center of the photo, and this photo had been uploaded in the mentioned past years without any problem, as well as the photos of the Jubilant Sky's deck and so on.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2019, 03:07:41 AM by davidships »

Offline Pieter_Inpijn

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Re: Deletions
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2019, 06:06:55 AM »
Point taken but it would be nice that if an editor sent several PM's to a member, he gets a reply.
Regards, Pieter

Offline simonwp

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Re: Deletions
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2019, 04:52:47 PM »
I have had the opposite experience, Pieter. I have tried to contact an admin to discuss a deletion, for much the same reasons as Tomislav, i.e. not 100% sure exactly what the problem is, but have not had any reply. One of the things that annoys me is sometimes you get photographs deleted months, or even years, after they were posted, for sometimes quite bizarre reasons. I had one deleted over a year after I posted it because, in the words of the admin, the ships hull was the wrong colour!!!!!! Well it was that colour when I photographed it!!!!!! What should I have done, repainted the hull the correct colour?????

I just shrug off most such deletions as an admin having a bad day, but it can be frustrating at times. I think most members have the odd deletion and wonder why, perhaps the standard messages to members about deletions need reviewing so that more information can be included.

Offline Pieter_Inpijn

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Re: Deletions
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2019, 05:29:14 PM »
I do understand what Simonwp says: as editor I see sometimes pictures marked for deletion that I personally do not find a problem. I have noticed several times that digital and non-digital (so scanned) pictures have to comply with the same quality rules. That is impossible: old glossy B/W can be scanned very sharp, but colored old ones can seldom be scanned very sharp, because the photographic paper in those days was not glossy or had a dot-structure. The same with old slides: colors changed over the years, fade away. A third difficult category are the historical photo's, often of low quality because they were taken in the rush of the moment. Maybe the Admin-team should have more consideration with older and historical photo's. And by the way to Simonwp: I like your scanned old slides, I have seen those vessels in the days that ships were ships instead of floating boxes.

Offline simonwp

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Re: Deletions
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2019, 06:20:04 PM »
Hopefully some more to come later in the year, in the summer I don't like to be inside scanning slides etc, but outside photographing ships.

Offline Marc Pingoud

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Re: Deletions
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2019, 10:01:37 PM »
Dear colleagues
Just one little remark from me:
I have never received any e-mail notification that a comment or a message came in for me on shipspotting - I just see it when I have logged in - so the reaction time is maybe limited - Greetings from Switzerland Marc
One hand for myself, one for the ship - and one for my camera!

Offline davidships

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Re: Deletions
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2019, 08:09:10 PM »
@simonwp: I have sent you a PM
@Marc Pingoud:  If you are talking about PM messages for you, you should be able to select an option to receive an advisory email.  Unfortunately at present I cannot access any member profiles, not even my own, due to one of the current set of glitches, though I understand that some members can.  If you can, please check through the options concerning "messages" - or perhaps someone else can help.  Otherwise I'll post the details on here when I am properly connected again.
@Pieter Inpyn: thanks for those useful thoughts.


Offline davidships

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Re: Deletions
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2019, 10:44:06 AM »
@Marc Pingoud
Access to profiles restored this morning.
In your own profile the left hand menu includes "Personal message options"
On the last line of that at "Notify by email every time you receive a personal message:" ensure "always" is selected.


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