Author Topic: Would you give up your hobby for a woman ?  (Read 16851 times)

Offline Mrs. D

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Re: Would you give up your hobby for a woman ?
« Reply #15 on: July 10, 2018, 10:57:20 PM »
@MrsD thanks for the lady's point of view. I didn't know you existed until now !

I hope I am not the only lady on here  ;D Hope everything worked out for you, sorry I took so long to check back.
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Offline CedricH

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Re: Would you give up your hobby for a woman ?
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2018, 07:35:44 AM »
My misses has no problems with shipping as a hobby. That said I did move a 45 min drive away from the coast for work so most of my "shipping time" is spent here as a photo admin on this website.
Photo admin for the Passenger Vessels, RO/RO, Ship Interiors and Vehicle Carriers categories

Offline Jordan Seifarth

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Re: Would you give up your hobby for a woman ?
« Reply #17 on: July 12, 2018, 12:55:49 AM »
Hey john,

That's interesting because it matches my predicament perfectly. I'm at "peak age", (post-50's). The bottom line is, stick with hobbies & remain single OR get with a lady & as you say begin a "boring suburban existence" BUT not grow old lonely. It seems there are an unbelievable amount of lonely people in the UK (not sure if the same can be said in other countries). No-one knows what life is about to throw at you. If we all had a crystal-ball I wonder what the world would be like. No-one would ever take chances I guess.<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Until reading this post I had no idea what age you were but assumed teens or 20s given the ridiculous idea that any grown up woman and functioning human being would have a problem with such a harmlessly benign hobby as pointing a camera at ships.

You may need to give this woman more credit than you are. I'd like to think that anyone, her included, over the age of say 25 would have enough maturity, nous and intellect to not bat an eyelid over your chosen hobby.

Another way to look at it would be to ask yourself how much less lonely would you actually feel if you were constantly trying to act like somebody that you're not? First it might be abandonment of a hobby, next week it might be changing how you dress, the week after it might be the giving up of friends who she doesn't like or who you think she wouldn't like and on it could go until you have nothing left that is fundamentally you.

But in all seriousness, I can't imagine for a second that ship photography would even be a problem.

Offline seaweasel

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Re: Would you give up your hobby for a woman ?
« Reply #18 on: July 12, 2018, 08:37:26 AM »
Hello mattyboy and all of you,

my opinion is that you should not give up a hobby for a woman.

There are many interesting and different things for both of you to discover during shipspotting. Explain to her some details of the ships you are watching and she will eventually build up a knowledge about ships and shipping. There are so many benefits for both of you to enjoy while watching the ships passing by : Nature, a great scenery, fascinating animals can be seen (my wife and I are keen birdwatchers, so this is really a good additional motivation), wonderful fresh air, sunshine and many other things. You can enjoy taking your meals at very special places having a great panorama at the same time.

Perhaps the woman you have met, mattyboy, will be inspired and "infected" by all these great experiences ? It should work if you are skillful and patient. And what about making a nice ship journey with her or some harbour trips ? And perhaps she is or gets interested in photography and takes photos by herself ? There are a lot of other subjects that can be seen during a shipspotting tour or on the way to and from these locations.

Last but not least it is very important, in my opinion, that you should try to visit a great variety of shipspotting locations if possible, so this should never become boring to her.

Perhaps try it this way, good luck and best wishes to all of you from Hans

Offline Bob Scott

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Re: Would you give up your hobby for a woman ?
« Reply #19 on: July 12, 2018, 09:44:40 AM »
Even if she takes no interest in your hobby, your woman can take reassurance from the fact that, while you are out chasing ships, you are not chasing other women.


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