Author Topic: Sailvessel "Mercator"belgium  (Read 1494 times)

Offline marc reynaert

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Sailvessel "Mercator"belgium
« on: April 14, 2006, 08:22:13 AM »
The latest news on the sailvessel "Mercator" is.
That it will sink in the nearest future,inspectors told in the papers that his hull is in a very bad chape,so bad that you can call it critical.
They asked to the city of Ostend,to sponsor his repairs?bud they have no money for it.Aldo that the vessel is docked there for many years,and was in service as a museum.
Untill now there is no other sponsor,even the Belgian state won't help with this matter.
So in the future ,it will be lost and gone forever!!!!!!
This is typical belgian logica.
If this ship was Dutch or an English vessel?they would have found the money,to do the repairs.these country's are more invalved with there floating patrimony.
                       Kind regards
inlandvessels i like.


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