Author Topic: Southampton and Portsmouth  (Read 5499 times)

Offline IndiaEcho

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Southampton and Portsmouth
« on: June 28, 2014, 08:54:03 PM »

I thought you maybe interested in some photos from a recent boat trip round Southampton and Portsmouth docks.

After leaving Ocean Villange, we first headed for Southampton's container terminal, passing the Golden Empress en route:-

Golden Empress by IndiaEcho Shipping, on Flickr

The CMA CGM Musca was joined by four other box ships:- 

CMA CGM Musca by IndiaEcho Shipping, on Flickr

On the way back we passed the Hartland Point:-

Hartland Point by IndiaEcho Shipping, on Flickr

The Prospero was one of the tankers at Fawley:-

Prospero by IndiaEcho Shipping, on Flickr

Out into the Solent where we found the Cumbrian Fisher:-

Cumbrian Fisher by IndiaEcho Shipping, on Flickr

We had to hold outside Portsmouth to allow the Mont St. Michel to leave:-

Mont St. Michel by IndiaEcho Shipping, on Flickr

Entering the naval part of the dockyard, the expectation was for everything to be grey, but the US Navy's survey ship Bruce C Heezen brightened things up:-

USN Bruce C Heezen by IndiaEcho Shipping, on Flickr

HMS Dauntless was one of several Royal Navy ships present:-

HMS Dauntless by IndiaEcho Shipping, on Flickr

While Portsmouth is famous for its naval and ferry activities, the majority of bananas consumed in the UK are imported via the port on ships such as the Star Pride:-

Star Pride by IndiaEcho Shipping, on Flickr

Our return to Southampton was timed to co-incide with the departure of two cruise ships. Celebrity Eclipse was leading:-

Celebrity Eclipse by IndiaEcho Shipping, on Flickr

MSC Opera was close behind:-

MSC Opera by IndiaEcho Shipping, on Flickr

The Normed Antwerpen was also leaving, with a very interesting cargo:-

Normed Antwerpen by IndiaEcho Shipping, on Flickr

One of the last ships to be seen was the National Oceanography Centre's Discovery:-

Discovery by IndiaEcho Shipping, on Flickr

I hope the photos are of interest - more can be seen at


Offline SSM2005

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Re: Southampton and Portsmouth
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2014, 11:48:57 PM »
Very good, thank you for showing us! ;D

Offline Darleydale

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Re: Southampton and Portsmouth
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2014, 09:36:32 AM »
Thanks Neil

Nice pics!


Offline Cornelia Klier

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Re: Southampton and Portsmouth
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2014, 11:17:55 AM »
Thank you very much for this Little photo-report of your trip  :)

Offline IndiaEcho

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Re: Southampton and Portsmouth
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2014, 11:11:23 PM »

Thanks for your comments - Ken, I didn't realise that I shouldn't have uploaded the pics directly to the forum, will do so to the website in future.




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