Author Topic: Chinese reefer Qi Hang fled scene after running into ferry  (Read 2315 times)

Offline Timsen

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On May 3, at 2.25 a.m. the "Qi Hang" collided with the ferry "Marisa Nusantara" in the Sunda Strait, between Java and Sumatra Islands, during night time. The ship ran into the starboard side of the ferry, which was en route from Merak to Bakauheni, about 2,2 miles from the Port Bakaheuni, South Lampung. The ferry was ripped open on a width of 5 meters and a length of 7 meters, tilted 30 degrees to port when the reefer struck and suffered some water ingress. Some passengers bounced, some passengers got injured when the fell due to the impact and several more were shocked. 22 private cars and two motorcycles were damaged. The ferry had on board 75 passengers and 47 vehicles, among them motorcycles, buses and trucks. She managed to reach the port of Bakauheni under own power with an escort and docked at jetty 5. The Chinese vessel fled the scene at 3 a.m. Four Indonesian Navy warships and the five patrol boats "KN Sarotama", "KN Trisula", "KN Pedang 205", "KN Alugara" and "KN 203" of the Coast Guard tried to chase the ship. Alas, on May 4 the vessel had reached the South China Sea and was sailing to Taiwan.

Indonesian reports with photos:

Offline victor radio74

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Re: Chinese reefer Qi Hang fled scene after running into ferry
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2014, 09:58:32 AM »
Thanks very much Timsen for your effort in providing the photo links


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