Author Topic: Increase in Sydney Cruise ship capacity  (Read 2120 times)


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Increase in Sydney Cruise ship capacity
« on: July 15, 2012, 09:07:12 AM »
Tourism lobby groups say moves to open Sydney's Garden Island naval base to big cruise ships will help boost one of the city's fast-growing industries.  2011-12 was the busiest year on record, with 214 ships arriving, up from 150 the previous year

Cruise ships are getting larger and taller and that means fewer of them, especially superliners are able to fit underneath the Harbour Bridge

Prime Minister Julia Gillard said the government was preparing a long-term plan for the base, with three of the biggest cruise ships to be given guaranteed spots at the naval base immediately

The Sunday Telegraph understands the federal government proposal will entail Customs building a permanent facility at Garden Island to process international passengers as they disembark.  Passengers will able to walk to the CBD.

The Sydney Ports web site already shows bookings through to 2020

Offline Mike Cornwall

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Re: Increase in Sydney Cruise ship capacity
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2012, 01:09:48 PM »
quote;  "passengers will be able to walk to the CBD"
Some of the young fit ones maybe, but your normal old fat ones?. LOL. They can barely make it from their cabins to the buffet!.
That is typical rubbish daily press reporting.


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